How Travel Taught Me How to Not Give a F*ck

How Travel Taught Me How to Not Give a F*ck

As an Egyptian American, I’ve often been called “weird” due to the mix of two completely different traditions. This blend of cultures has given me a unique perspective on life, and traveling has further shaped my approach to living authentically. Here’s how my solo travel experiences have taught me to let go of unnecessary anxieties and focus on what truly matters.

Personal Experiences: Liberation in Georgia

Day Trip in Tbilisi Georgia: Mtskheta

Traveling to Tbilisi, Georgia, was an eye-opening experience. The city's beauty was captivating, but being identified as Arabs sometimes led to uncomfortable situations. One memorable incident happened at a famous donut shop where the staff seemed to serve everyone but us. Frustrated, we finally spoke up and asked, “Are our euro any different than theirs?” The stares we received didn’t matter anymore because we asserted our worth and got our donuts immediately. This experience taught me to stand up for myself, even when it feels uncomfortable.

First Realization: Freedom in Thailand

In Thailand, I rented a scooter to explore an island, which initially felt like a terrible idea. The wobbly roads and imagined judgment from locals made me self-conscious. However, the stunning ocean views and the sense of freedom were worth it. A near miss with a chicken and a tumble in a local's stand later, I realized that no one cared about my mishaps. It was a moment of pure realization: it wasn’t about others’ opinions but about my adventure and enjoyment.

Cultural Differences: The Power of “No” in Asia

I really liked this shirt, however the shop keeper was a bit pushy & like locals in thailand say: You'll find the Same Same but different.

While traveling through Thailand, I noticed that shopkeepers weren’t pushy if I declined their wares with a smile and a polite “mai khao phet” (no thank you in Thai). This challenged my ingrained habit of always being accommodating, even to my detriment. Learning to say “no” empowered me to prioritize my own needs and set boundaries, a valuable lesson that transcended travel and impacted my daily life back home.

Challenges: Language Barriers and Hostel Mishaps

The Friendliest Hostel in Greece Athens!


One significant challenge was the language barrier. It was daunting at first, but it forced me to become resourceful and creative in communication. Another challenge was dealing with a not-so-ideal hostel dorm situation. My usually social and friendly roommates turned out to be a group of loud partiers, keeping me up all night. Initially, I felt pressured to “go with the flow,” but sleep deprivation was affecting my travel experience. Gathering my courage, I politely explained the situation to the hostel staff, who were incredibly understanding and offered me a different room. This taught me the importance of advocating for my own needs and prioritizing my well-being, even if it meant disappointing others.

5 Key Lessons Learned

Acropolis, Greece:Athens

1. Embrace the “No”

Travel showed me the power of a polite but firm “no.” It challenged the pressure to be a “people pleaser” and empowered me to prioritize my own needs and set boundaries.

2. Focus on the Journey

Travel isn’t about ticking destinations off a list. It’s about soaking in the experience, embracing the unexpected, and enjoying the freedom of exploration.

3. Laugh at Yourself

Things won’t always go according to plan, and that’s okay! Learning to laugh at my mistakes and embrace the humor in unexpected situations made travel more enjoyable.

4. Confidence Through Competence

Navigating unfamiliar territory, overcoming language barriers, and solving problems on my own built my confidence and self-reliance. It became less about what others thought and more about my own capabilities.

5. You Do You

Travel allowed me to explore who I truly am, free from the expectations of others.

Impact on Daily Life

Appreciating the ordinary moments in my daily life

The “don’t sweat the small stuff” attitude I gained from travel has definitely spilled over into my daily life. I’ve learned to embrace my individuality and enjoy the simple pleasure of being myself. so here are a few key ways this attitude has impacted me:

Embracing New Experiences

Travel ignited a thirst for new experiences. Back home, I’m more likely to try new things, whether it’s a different restaurant, a local art class, or simply exploring a new part of my own city.

Appreciating the Ordinary

Travel opened my eyes to the beauty and diversity of the world. Now, I find myself appreciating the ordinary moments in my daily life a little more, from a quiet cup of coffee in the morning to the familiar faces of loved ones.

Advice for Others


To anyone struggling with caring too much about others’ opinions, especially in the context of travel, here’s my advice:

1. Prioritize Your Needs

Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and prioritize your well-being. It’s okay to put your needs first.

2. Embrace Imperfections

Travel is messy and unpredictable. Embrace the imperfections and learn to laugh at yourself.

3. Have Confidence in Communication

Odds are, if something doesn’t work out, you won’t see these people again. So don’t be afraid to communicate confidently.

4. Appreciate the Ordinary

Find joy in the small, everyday moments. They’re often the most meaningful.

Traveling solo has taught me invaluable lessons about letting go of unnecessary anxieties and focusing on what truly matters. It has empowered me to live authentically, embrace new experiences, and find joy in the journey. So, the next time you’re worried about what others think, remember that the world is vast, and your adventure is yours to create. Don’t give a f*ck about the small stuff—just go out and live your best life.

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